unveiling the universe within my mind

Monday 4 September 2017


I have changed the title of my blog and revert all of my older posts back to draft. Why? for the both of questions, the answers are..

1. The world is a whole bunch of gigantic question marks for me. There are a lot of things that either don't have the answer we crave, or we need to solve the puzzles before we get the meaning of life, and some of them sometimes remain unsolved. Even some of us probably still figuring out who we really are, including me. So, that is where Enigma comes from.

2. Looking back, I realized how much I love writing, especially about my problems LOL. And they are so embarrassing and cringe worthy. You would not know how hard I cringed rereading all that mortifying stuff. You don't need to try and find out. And yes, there are my assignments too, but now I have graduated so....

I keep thinking what should I do with my blog, though apart from assignments, everything I wrote are a total rubbish, I don't have the heart to totally delete this page. the writings, they are my memories and my lessons after all. I can see how much I have grown from my babbling and rambling in the past, and I like my growth

So finally, I have decided to keep my blog and renew everything. I don't know whether people really have the time to read my post, or if there is someone who really care and read this at all, but I realize that I need somewhere I can call sanctuary, where I can write whatever I want.



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