unveiling the universe within my mind

Friday 22 September 2017


I want to be that person whom able to say “I regret nothing, because my past make me who I am today”. I thought I was that wise.

My biggest regret is, I was an ignorant child. My thinking wasn’t critical enough, and I wasn’t as curious as a cat. I was too keen on my study, and blinded by the idea ‘you need to have good grades if you want to be success.’ I accepted almost everything without any desire to question it, until a while ago I realize that this is not the knowledge I need.

I am not talking about the knowledge we are mandated to have for almost a quarter of our life at local schools, because whether you like it or not, the schools we have attended to didn’t teach us how to live our live, or how to find a job. Like Neil Gaiman said, they don’t teach you how to love someone. They don’t teach you how to be famous. They don’t teach you how to be rich, or how to be poor. They don’t teach you how to walk away from someone you don’t love any longer. They don’t teach you how to know what’s going on in someone else’s mind. They don’t teach you what to say to someone who’s dying. They don’t teach you anything worth knowing.

If I could go back to meet the 15 years old me,I'd tell her not to memorize that crazy math formulas you wouldn’t even use later in your life, but to absorb and learn all the information you would need from those famous people. How to have a dream bigger than their reality, how to fall and get up, how to struggle and never give up. Don’t take that numbers, or the impossibly high standard that your teachers had set on the stones for every freaking subjects too seriously. Even teachers only know shit about their own subject. Your life span is limited, and you don’t have to be an expert in everything. Choose one, or two, and be amazingly knowledgeable about it. That’s how you find your success.

Or, I could tell her don't adult. THAT IS A TRAP

BUT, since I am already 23 and I never had future me to give the warning, today I can only catch up. On my own pace.


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