unveiling the universe within my mind

Wednesday 6 September 2017


I love how my title rhymes, it's not original, but still...

Stone Henge Replica - Yogyakarta
I often wonder how someone could fall madly in love with a certain place or certain things that is not even alive, but boi I was wrong. Maybe because of the circumstances, maybe  because of whom we were with, or maybe because of the place itself.

As for me, there is always, and I mean always something to explore when you are in Yogyakarta. It is actually really hard to not to love the city.

My first visit was ten years back or so, I was exploring the temples, Borobudur and Prambanan Temples. After that, more often than not, I opposed the idea of coming back. Not because they are not beautiful, they are so majestic, let me tell you. But because I thought I have seen everything I need, and Indonesia still has a lot of places I am yet to explore. The petty me thought going back to the same places was only a waste on my budget.

Now, I hate to remind myself how wrong I was.

I came back to Yogyakarta years after. This time I was staying in a local village, at a house of my friend's relative. I thought it was going to be boring, because you know, 'I have seen everything' but no dear brothers and sisters. It turned out to be the most satisfying vacation I ever had at that time. Not only her relatives showing us around, but we explore some exotic beaches that were not too many people knew.

I went back there recently. It was a spontaneous decision actually, without a second thought. As if my guts knew I was going to have my heart broken and I would be in need of a remedy*eh. So I purchased a train and an airplane tickets, and I was planning to stay there for three days. I didn't expect anything at first, for all I wanted was to have a short escape away from Jakarta.

On my third time, my love towards this city doubled. My intention was to blend in with the people, so I didn't plan for some kind of luxurious vacation. Then, I started to actually feel. The natives are warm and nice. I thought they were creepy at first, because they were overly nice, yes they are all that nice, which made an urban child like me couldn't help but felt suspicious. Until, my friend told me that, that's who they really are, even I got used to it, and enjoy their hospitality. 

Filosofi Kopi - Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta also one of the cities which still strongly practicing their cultural heritage. I can feel their culture in the air, as if I was breathing in it, and there was like, this traditional music background mentally playing on my mind wherever I went. Two prticular places that left me with the most impression were a museum called Ullen Sentalu, which reveals the history of Yogyakarta's Royal Families, Batik pattern, etc. The museum itself was like a labyrinth, without a guide you would probably lost, and taking pictures inside was prohibited. So, yeah I don't really have any nice picture to be shown around from here.

The second place was Museum Sisa Hartaku, where the ruins from Merapi eruption in 2012 remain. Seeing all those belonging whose possessors are no longer there gave me a sense of grieve, even though I don't know who these people are. Broken television, half melted electronics, burnt pictures, even an unfinished toothpaste allowed you to imagine that someone, right before the calamity, was doing something you were probably doing at the same time in different places.The thing is, you are still alive, but they are not.

A Relief in Ullen Sentalu - Yogyakarta
Museum Mini Sisa Hartaku, Gunung Merapi - Yogyakarta
Back to the happy stuff, my stay was delightful. Strolling around Malioboro at night, watching free concert, buying stuff I don't need, watching the sun set from Candi Ijo, riding motorcycle with maximum speed, eating a large amount of food with super affordable price (Re: Angkringan). I felt so happy in the midst of my sorrow. Therefore, I fall in love with Yogyakarta.



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